Emerald Ash Borer Treatment
The Emerald Ash Borer has not yet been found in the City of Edgewater but has been found as close as 69th and Depew in Arvada. An Ash Tree must meet the following conditions and criteria to be deemed suitable for treatment by the Arborist:
The tree must be larger than 9” in diameter when measured and more than 4.5 feet above ground.
The tree must be in healthy condition and structurally sound.
The tree must not interfere with utilities or higher quality species.
Tree owners must agree to use the City partner ATLL for the application services. The application may not be performed by the homeowner.
Tree owners must agree to accept the application method approved by CSU and the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
The tree owner must agree to the current industry recommendation of one application every three years to avoid over treatment.
Treatments must be made between early-May and mid-August. This is subject to change and weather dependent.
Infested Tree Removal
Tree species that have been attacked with an untreatable insect or disease with no hope of recovery may be eligible for assistance with removal program. Examples are Mountain Pine Beetle and Tussock Moth.
Preventative Tree Removal
Dead/dying trees can be hazardous, and the City of Edgewater encourages residents to proactively remove affected trees and limbs.
Certain species of trees have been known to quickly decline and die, making them a hazard. Once a tree reaches a threshold of 50% percent dead, the tree will never recover and should be scheduled for removal. Large limbs (greater than six inches) that are dead and creating a hazard to surrounding areas may also be eligible for the program.
Homeowners who have removed an infected/dead/dying tree and wish to replace it, or are interested in general tree planting are encouraged by the City of Edgewater to purchase a tree from the vendor of their choice. Homeowners must provide proof of removal and a receipt to the City for reimbursement after purchase. The purchased tree must be of an approved tree species (see approved list) and the location must be pre-approved by City Arborist.